Friday, April 30, 2010


Image credit:  Surfrider Foundation

Would you take a crap in the middle of your living room?  Would you allow anyone else to do so?

As terrible an analogy as that may be, that is what comes to my mind in regards to this whole oil spill disaster in the Gulf of Mexico.

It's asinine thinking to begin with to even think for a milisecond that further offshore oil drilling is the answer to all that ails us.  President Obama may have put a temporary ban on further drilling, but the damage is done and his actions are not, in my opinion, stemming from anything remotely close to altruism.  He is a politician after all.  As humanity has largely proven time and time again, once this disaster is cleaned up and the investigation completed, most people will simply forget and move on while the vultures will re-appear and more crapping in our home will go on.

What pisses me off the most is the damaging effect this is not only doing to the ecosystem in the Gulf, but the harm it is also doing to various marine species.  How many are going to end up dead or dying, or washing up on the shores there? They're the innocents in this entire fiasco, not BP and their woes about how much this disastrous oil spill is going to cost them.    How much does it take for people to wake up and to fight back?  Do they need to see the oil spill reaching their back yard before they realize "Oh God, I'd better do something about this now."

If you care about this issue, feel free to go to the following link and make your voice heard:  Not the Answer

More links:

U.S. Gulf States Mobilize for Valdez-like Oil Spill

Oil Reaches Shore

Oil Spill Silences Once Raucous "Drill Baby Drill" Camp

That's all I have to say today.  This entire situation has not only made me literally sick to my stomach, but very sad to see such carelessness and selfishness in action. 

The world IS crapping in our living room.  The question now is, what are we going to do about it?

By the way, if anyone has ever wanted to leave a comment here but have had troubles for some reason or another, or simply would rather remain anonymous, you are more than welcome to email me.  I can be reached at dolphinswink (at) gmail . com.   Anything you share with me will remain off the record unless you indicate otherwise.

Thank you for being here and for caring :-)

Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Cove Will Not Be Silenced

(Artist credit:  Martin Herbert @ Spirit Visions)

There is a Cree Prophecy that says:

When all the trees have been cut down,
when all the animals have been hunted,
when all the waters are polluted,
when all the air is unsafe to breathe,
only then will you discover you cannot eat money.

Sadly, most people and most countries are not listening.  Greed and profit continues to rule many decisions such as the continuation of whale and/or dolphin slaughtering, the desire to build ever more oil rigs out in the oceans despite accidents and spills, and the stupidity of certain people who believe that building a dam in the Amazon  is actually a good thing despite being fully aware that the planet's climate is tied to the Amazon rain forest in a major way.

Someone enlighten me please.  If there is nothing left to rape of our Earth, what good will money then do?

Did you catch Oprah discussing The Cove on her show a couple days ago?  If you didn't, you can check it out here:  The Cove on Oprah

Speaking of The Cove, it's director Louie Psihoyos, is determined that the message from this film will not be silenced by Japan.    The Japanese government is "adamant that whaling and dolphin hunts must continue for research and cultural purposes. But most Japanese have never eaten whale or dolphin, and are shocked to see the slaughter."

It comes as no shock to most people that the Japanese government continues to lie, lie, and lie some more.  If they lie to their own citizens, how can they be trusted to uphold any compromise from the Int'l Whaling Commission in regards to currently reducing whale kills that will eventually lead to no killing.  And haven't they figured it out by now that arguing "tradition and culture" as excuses for their murdering ways is only insulting and enraging people more?

Someone needs to share that Cree Prophecy with Japan.  Exhausting resources and killing off mammals, fish, animals, etc. will eventually leave them with nothing.  Where will their "tradition and culture" be then?

Lest anyone think this is a Japan bashing thing I'm on, it's not.  This applies to us all .. including but not limited to:  Iceland, Norway, Denmark, Canada, USA, etc etc. 

By the way, if you are in Japan or know of someone from there, feel free to share this Cove Movie clip with them:  The Cove Japanese Short Version

Some celebrities have gotten on board to get the word out about The Cove.  Check out this Public Service Announcement:

Despite the recent oil rig accident / spill, the Obama Administration has not given any indication that they are changing their minds about proceeding with offshore oil drilling.  Sadly, it would seem that an oil spill along the lines of causing major economic and environmental distress is what is needed for certain people to wake up.  Until then, the usual bullshit rhetoric applies:  money talks.

See links here:

What Will It Take?

Obama Continues to Defend Offshore Oil Drilling

Regarding the IWC and the continuing talks over commercial whaling:

Could Lifting the Whaling Ban Save the Whales?

The current proposal has set forth certain numbers that limits whale kills.  The concern from environmental and activist groups though is what will happen after the ten years are up?

Here's my suggestion:  If you're going to go ahead with this proposal that puts limits on commercial whaling for a period of ten years, then ADD to the proposal that it will become IMMEDIATELY ILLEGAL to kill any more whales.  I would, of course, not want them to say "... pending further or amended agreements on commercial whaling."

If you're going to continue to kill these sentient beings, albeit in reduced numbers, for a decade.  Then that's it and that's all.  It STOPS after ten years.

I highly doubt the likes of Japan and Norway would go along with that.  The cynic in me is thinking they are just going to play this game for now to try to appease certain people and then as soon as you turn around, stab everyone in the back.

You can't make deals with murderers.  But that's just me I guess ...

Another article:  Whaling Plan Draws Anger from Green Groups


"If an agreement is reached, this represents a great step forward in terms of the conservation of whales and the management of whaling," said IWC chairman Cristian Maquieira.

"For the first time since the adoption of the commercial whaling moratorium, we will have strict, enforceable limits on all whaling operations.

Who will actually enforce this and ensure that countries like Japan and Norway are not violating this so-called agreement? What makes you think that Japan, for example, will not fudge their reports to state they are not going over the agreed upon kill quota?   They've been lying their asses off for decades now, so why would they suddenly start being honest?  Give me a break ...

I don't see the Sea Shepherd organization going out of business any time soon.

Check out these sites:  Song of Home  and Spirit Mythos


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy Earth Day

Source:  One Song Project

Today on Oprah, The Cove will be featured.  Be sure to check your local listings :-)

I was recently featured on the Blog Interviewer.  A lot of bloggers are, so it's not the Academy Awards or anything  .. but they have a voting feature that resets every month that gives the featured bloggers a chance to win some great prizes.  Most of the prizes are related to blogging and how to help bloggers expand their sphere of influence or to potentially earn income from their blogs, etc.

Anyway, I certainly wouldn't complain if anyone wanted to take the time to check it out and vote for me once a day :: grin ::   You can find my blog linked here:  Eye of the Dolphin at Blog Interviewer

Sea Shepherd is encouraging people to take a stand against Japan on the whaling issue.

The Int'l Whaling Commission today is announcing a proposal to suspend commercial whaling.  You can read about that here at the WDCS website:   The Plan to Save Whaling, not Whales

Meanwhile, Japan's nose grows a little longer and their hypocrisy a little louder in stating they are "willing to reduce Antarctic whale catch if they can resume commercial coastal hunts."  :: cough cough ::  Yea, right.

Where's the freakin' punishment on countries like Japan anyway for all these years of having already killed thousands of whales illegally?  Now if the whaling is allowed to resume, even at reduced catch numbers, they are actually being rewarded.  

Still think more drilling for oil is the answer to our problems?  I think not:  Not the Answer
If that isn't the perfect example of encouraging us all to seek alternatives for our energy needs, then I just don't know what to tell you.  Over 70% of this planet is water.  Without our oceans, we die.  It's just that simple.  So continuing to pollute, defile, and otherwise crap on the very resource that sustains our lives is just beyond my personal comprehension to accept or process.  All the money and power in the world means squat if you aren't alive.  So what the hell are people thinking that more drilling is the answer?  I must be missing something ....

"Treat the Earth well, it was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children." ~ Indian proverb ~

Honor the sacred.
Honor the Earth, our Mother.
Honor the Elders.
Honor all with whom we
share the Earth -
Four-leggeds, two-leggeds,
winged ones,
Swimmers. crawlers,
plant and rock people.
Walk in balance and beauty.

~ Native American Elder ~

"I am not an environmentalist.  I'm an Earth Warrior." ~ Darryl Cherney ~

Celebrate your home, it's the only one you've got :-)

Happy Earth Day to all ...

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Saving Our Seas Together

(Artist credit:  Jim Warren)

There's some good news, or at least news that puts us a step in the right direction, regarding marine mammal captivity.  Congress has scheduled a hearing slated for April 27th on this very issue.

For anyone out there who truly believes that parks like Sea World are a great, magical, inspirational, and educational way to witness and to learn about these mammals, please read the Facts of Dolphin Captivity.  I cannot speak to its current accuracy as there is no date given on this page, but I personally do not doubt the heart of it.

I can only repeat what I've said before:  please do NOT support parks such as Sea World, Marine land, or any other related business that holds orcas, dolphins, etc. in captivity by calling it entertainment and education while getting rich doing it.  Parks like this do NOT care about anything but the bottom line, no matter what they say.  If they truly do not care about profits, they wouldn't be doing this in the first place.  If they do care, then they should change from being a for-profit business to a non-profit one with the aim to release these mammals to approved and sanctioned marine sanctuaries for either re-training to be released back into the wild or for retirement while being taken care of.

There are more and more marine sanctuaries being created and developed around the world.  This is a sign of growing activism and awareness everywhere that decreasing numbers of people are supporting captivity and increasing numbers are saying "Enough!"  You can check out a list of sanctuaries at National Marine Sanctuaries.

Let's say whales and dolphins, etal are the rulers of the world and not mankind.  Imagine for a few moments this role reversal scenario.   Now let's say a moratorium on murdering people was in effect a couple decades ago.  Let's say certain countries exploited a loophole that allowed them to continue murdering people for research purposes.  Let's further say that an international committee was set to meet to discuss compromises that eventually lead to the complete banning of murdering humans while setting a quota for a period of ten years before this complete ban took effect.     Never mind that certain countries took advantage of certain loopholes to cheat the rules and the laws for their own nefarious purposes and cried foul when activist groups would protest or interfere.  Never mind that they've been doing it for centuries and say it is part of their culture, their traditions, and their history.  So it's a matter of national pride that they'd continue to do this.  And instead of currently being punished for already having broken the laws time and time again, they are now going to possibly be given permission, within certain enforced guidelines, to continue murdering a certain quota of humans.  But it's okay because after ten years, if this international committee keeps its word and follows through on strict enforcement, it will become illegal in ten year's time to ever murder another human being.

Would this be acceptable to you?

That is basically what is happening right now, with the United States leading the way in discussions on such a compromise when the Int'l Whaling Commission meets in a few weeks.

If this compromise takes effect, we are, in essence, letting countries like Japan, Norway, and Iceland, etc get away with murder.  They have broken the laws for the last two decades and are not being punished.  Instead, if this compromise is successful, they are actually being rewarded.

Is this good news that may twist a knife in the heart of the commercial whaling proposals?  Forensic DNA Blow to Whaling Proposals

Oh the shame of it, this embarrassing the country of Japan.  After all, they've been lying their asses off for years regarding their so-called scientific researching on whaling.  "Tradition and culture" my ass.

Related article:  Show Us the Science

FYI, Oprah Winfrey will be discussing The Cove movie on her Earth Day special airing April 22nd.  If this interests you, be sure to set your DVR's :-)

Imagine if the world had more kids like this:   Saving Our Seas Together

By the way, I haven't yet discussed the Great Barrier Reef Scandal.  I will say this ... this only lends further weight to my argument that offshore drilling should not take place.  Accidents can and do happen.  And when they do, the damage is often irreversible and the effects are devastatingly long term.  What more do people need to wake up to the fact that drilling for more oil is simply NOT the answer?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

World Cetacean Day

In honor of today being World Cetacean Day, today's post will simply be a tribute to these amazing sentient beings.

"Man has always assumed that he was more intelligent than dolphins because he had achieved so much .. the wheel, New York, wars and so on ... while all the dolphins had ever done was muck about in the water having a good time.  But conversely, the dolphins had always believed that they were far more intelligent than man ... for precisely the same reason."  ~ Douglas Adams ~

"It is of interest to note that while some dolphins are reported to have learned English - up to fifty words used in correct context - no human being has been reported to have learned dolphinese." ~ Carl Sagan ~

"Listen to the voice of a dolphin and you shall learn the secret to mankind's survival:  Peace." ~ Mallory Watson ~

"Pushing through green waters ... symbol of joy ... you leap from the depths ... to touch the sky ... scattering spray ... like handfuls of jewels ... " ~ Horace Dobbs ~

"For as long as men massacre animals, they will kill each other. Indeed, he who sows the seed of murder and pain cannot reap joy and love."  ~ Pythagoras, Greek Mathematician and Philosopher ~

"To the dolphin alone, nature has given that which the best philosophers seek: Friendship for no advantage. Though it has no need of help from any man, it is a genial friend to all and has helped mankind."  ~ Plutarch ~

"No aquarium, no tank in any marine land, however spacious it may be, can begin to duplicate the conditions of the sea.  And no dolphin who inhabits one of those aquariums or one of those marine lands can be considered normal."  ~ Jacques Yves Cousteau ~

"The happiness of the bee and the dolphin is to exist.  For man it is to know that and to wonder at it." ~ Jacques Yves Cousteau ~

"The Cetecea hold an important lesson for us.  The lesson is not about whales and dolphins, but about ourselves.  There is at least moderately convincing evidence that there is another class of intelligent beings on Earth beside ourselves.  They have behaved benignly and in many cases affectionately towards us.  We have systematically slaughtered them.  Little reverence for life is evident in the whaling industry - underscoring a deep human failing...In warfare, man against man, it is common for each side to dehumanize the other so that there will be none of the natural misgivings that a human being has at slaughtering another ..."  ~ Carl Sagan ~

"When Earth is sick, the animals will begin to disappear.  When that happens the Warriors of the Rainbow will come to save them."  ~ Chief Seattle ~

"If you talk with the animals, they will talk with you.  And you will know each other.  If you do not talk to them, you will not know them.  And what you do not know, you will fear.  What one fears one destroys."  ~ Chief Dan George ~

Video:  John Denver's "Ancient Rhymes"

(Direct link to video:  Ancient Rhymes)

Lyrics to Ancient Rhymes:

Two days before the moon was round
You felt the urge of sun's light beams
The muffled world of dolphin sounds
Slipped down and back into your dreams

For nine full months that passed before
You learned of all of life's Ancient Rhymes
Then mother sensed a farther shore
And brought you forth into these times

So taste the air of your new world
And gently guide us to your mind
It knows the winds and sails unfurled
And holds to heart the dolphin kind

Welcome precious earth made child
We met you first in your father's songs
And mother's smile and waters wild
It's in this place you now belong

I know you know of all these things
And feel the faith of a dolphin's sigh
For you were born on silver wings
To taste the high blown crystal sky

So sing one day to all of us
The songs you learned in dolphin lair
Giving hope to life as all we must
And teach us how their grace to share

"So long and thanks for all the fish!" ~ Douglas Adams ~

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Good Vibrations

(Artist credit:  Andrew Forrest)

(Today's post includes four videos, which may not come through if you are an email subscriber.  Please go directly to my blog if you wish to see these videos.  Thank you!)

Did you know that our vibrational energies have a positive or negative impact on water?  Please see this video:

Given that we are made up of primarily water .. and given our planet is 2/3's water ... it's amazing the power our energies have.  I wonder what would happen if we all harnessed that energy and put forth a collective vibrational message of, say, peace?  How about love? 

This Peace in the Water video states "It only takes a fraction of 1% of the population to tangibly shift the energy of a whole area."

Dolphin and Whale stories:

Dolphin Saviors

Divine Dolphin

This is a beautiful video of whales singing:

If you live away from the ocean and miss the powerful force and energy of the waves, this video is for you:

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Aquarians

(Artist credit:  Daniel B. Holeman)

I'm making today's post about one thing and one thing only - a book recommendation.  I've mentioned this book just a short while ago and it's absolutely without a doubt well worth repeating.  Why?  Because I just finished reading it and was left feeling all sorts of inspiring emotions.  Like hope for the future, inspiration via the dolphins who have a message for all of humanity if we would just quiet our minds and listen, and confirmation that some of what I have been feeling the past few years just might be linked to this new spiritual awakening our planet is feeling.

I know it sounds trite to some people.  And I know a lot of people stand on a wide and varying spectrum regarding the date of December 21, 2012.  Some feel it'll be the end of the world.  Some could care less.  And then some feel we are not only experiencing a spiritual awakening in various forms, whether we realize it or not, but that our planet is approaching a crossroads of a choice.

The choice of two different paths:  To go down the usual path of continuing our self destruction or to choose harmony and love with not only each other, but with all living beings.   That famous saying: "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result," rings ever more true today.  Will humanity choose to cease with the insanity and choose a different, more enlightening and hopeful path? 

Our friends in the seas have been around far far longer than mankind.  Personally, I believe they are here to teach us and to open our hearts and minds to, as saccharine as this may sound to some, LOVE.  As the book says "Love is the answer."  Love, compassion, and forgiveness are the energies this world needs to feel more of.  These vibrational energies we put out there can and do make a difference.

Change doesn't happen overnight and we each have our individual internal struggles that color our everyday moods and perspectives, but I would like to set aside that sometimes cynical voice in me and choose to be hopeful.  We also struggle amid the daily bombardment from the media about wars and famine, people out of work, natural disasters, etc.  It is absolutely a challenge for every one of us to focus on something - anything - that will inspire us, or give us hope, or to believe in humanity's innate goodness.  But when we DO choose to focus on something positive, on a kind word given or received, on a feeling of love shared between friends or family, or to be moved by a song or a story, then you gotta admit it feels good, doesn't it?

Another great quote in the book:  'We're warm-blooded, air-breathing animals similar to them [dolphins] in many ways, but different in that we live on land, walk, build things, and are preoccupied with conflict and violence'.

Whatever your spiritual leanings, whatever you believe about 2012 or the future, and whatever you believe about dolphins, unless you are completely closed off you won't be able to help but feel inspired and hopeful after reading it.

Run, don't walk, to Amazon or your favorite bookstore and buy this book.  You absolutely without a doubt will not regret it :-)  Just click on the book image at the beginning of this post or this link:  The Aquarians: 2012 - A New Era Begins

Let me leave you with another quote from this book that is beautiful:  "Peace to guide the planets and love to steer the stars."

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Free the Pod

(Artist credit:  Jim Warren)

Apparently the problem I've been experiencing with Blogger this week is a common one among many others.  And apparently it's going to take Blogger techies some time to fix the issues.   So I've been playing around with the new templates the last few days and think I have finally found one I like.  I did try to go outside of the choices here at Blogger and found some really nice looking beach scene ones, but the templates I would try were not sticking or coming up with errors. (Another common complaint at this time in Blogger.)  So this beachy sunset background one will do for now.

I do hope you find it much easier to read now. If you still find it difficult, I would suggest if you are not yet a subscriber, you do so and have the new entries automatically sent to your email box, or to Google reader, or however you wish.  Should be much easier to read that way.  Incidentally, the last post is unchangeable in terms of the font color.  (Yet another common issue with the latest upgrades at Blogger.)  I do hope this new entry comes through in the manner in which I am expecting lol ... as I had spent hours on that last one trying to figure out what the heck was suddenly going wrong with everything.

WDCS (Whale Dolphin Conservation Society) has teamed up with other conservation groups to challenge the Navy's decision to build an Undersea Warfare Training range.  Figures they'd do this adjacent to the only known calving ground for the endangered N. Atlantic right whale.   Of course, war is a priority.  Stupid me :: slapping forehead in shock ::

Seems that even though the Canada PM announced an approved culling quote of almost 300,000 seals, that due to warming the hunters can't hunt 'em.  Unfortunately, the seals are still dying due to the lack of ice floes.  Fortunately, it'll be by natural death or via nature, instead of via the clubbing of cowardly idiots.  But I digress.  Article here:  Despite Mild Winter and Few Hunters, Seals Still Face Threats

Remember in the last post I talked a little about  Chris Porter, aka the Darth Vader of dolphins? Check out more at Free the Pod.

Check out the rarely seen account of a North Atlantic Right Whale giving birth.  According to NRDC, there are only about 300-400 of these whales left and unfortunately, this birth took place right outside a planned site for a Navy installation that will have year round sonar testing :-(

A 9 year old boy out of  Virginia Beach USA is one of ten finalists for the National Geographic Kids Ocean Flag Contest.  Check it out:  Beach Boy is Finalist

He said: 

“The love of ocean life triggers the inspiration of my design,” he stated in his entry. “I believe all ocean creatures just like human beings should have the rights to live well.”

The world needs more voices like his :-)

Have a great weekend everyone ... and please let me know if you like, dislike, don't care for the new look :-)  As always, I appreciate you taking time in your life to be part of my journey here ... 


Thursday, April 1, 2010

Darth Vader and Alien Intelligence

(Artist credit:  Eva M. Sakmar-Sullivan)

Does this sound familiar?

During the slaughter, the sea turns a deep red from injured and dying whales. Pilot whales share a sophisticated communication system and are often heard calling out for one another. Despite all indications that they experience severe physical and psychological suffering, Faroese authorities have made this astounding statement: "... the Faroese whale drive has over the years successfully adapted to modern standards of resource management and animal welfare." 

Ric O'Barry is calling the Faroe Island hunts the "Taiji of the North Atlantic."

It should be required reading, IMO, that countries such as Japan and Denmark as well as any individuals out there who hunt or otherwise abuse, torture, or harm dolphins in any way, to read In Defense of Dolphins: The New Moral Frontier.
There is much research out there dating back many decades, that proves mammals belonging in the whale and dolphin families, are highly intelligent, sentient beings.  Some researchers categorize them as "alien intelligence" or "non-human persons."  It is rather unfortunate that the majority of humans are so anthropocentric and seemingly unwilling to expand their minds to consider there are, indeed, other living beings on this planet that are intelligent, of having moral standing, having their own social mores and community ties, etc.

We should all take a moment to consider that maybe, just maybe, we are not the center of the universe and that it is highly likely other species know and understand our world and/or universe in ways we could not even begin to comprehend.

You know that famous Gandhi saying: "Be the change you want to see in the world?"

Turns out one man who, sometimes labeled as the Darth Vader of dolphins, and who had hunted them for over a decade, changed his attitude after two things happened:  (1) the Sea World incident last month and (2) The Cove film.  He is planning to release the remaining 17 bottlenose dolphins back into the wild.  He has said:

...who previously believed some animals must be captive educational ambassadors for their species, is beginning to doubt the value of shows, where animals are forced to perform tricks.

“Are we really educating and providing the best representation of wild animals in an aquarium?” he asked.

The artificial, sterile environment in which most marine mammals are kept bears little resemblance to their habitat. Killer whales are likely to become frustrated, increasing the chance they will lash out."

Read more here:  Darth Vader of Dolphins

"The Cove" debate continues on and this is an interesting read from the Japanese perspective, including a response from someone involved with The Cove production.  I think you'll find it worth your while to read.